10 Middleton Road, Hannahs Bay

Hannah's Bay Section

10 Middleton Road comprises 1,110 sqm (more or less) of flat land zoned rural 1, close to Hannah's Bay lakefront reserve and 10 minutes drive to the CBD.

- The front of the section is situated within the Airport inner noise zone being close to the southern end of the Rotorua Regional Airport and therefore resource consent and developmental controls affect development of the section. Establishment of a new dwelling(s) on the section would have to achieve adequate acoustic attenuation and ventilation performance.

- Boundary restrictions currently apply meaning building on the site is tricky but this may change in the future.

- The rear of the section (see red line on photo reel) sits in the airport 65Db area and no building is permitted here.

Currently a great site for storage of machinery or similar with the potential for more extensive future use.

- LIM report available on request

- Land size 1110 sqm more or less

- All offers must be unconditional

Kathryn  McAlonan Kathryn McAlonan
Licensed Salesperson (REAA 2008)